Written by Jody Trammel

Making Memories

Travel Tips for Making Memories

Taking photosTravel is about more than exploring new places and meeting new people. It’s also about the memories you’ll make while you’re away from home. Be sure to remember your next trip from years to come by following our pointers for making long-lasting memories on your next trip.

While you’re at it, make sure all of your travel memories are pleasant ones. If you’re visiting the Washington, D.C. area, call Affinity Airport Sedan to schedule a private, professional ride from airport. We’ll help get your stay in D.C. started smoothly and stress free!

Document your trip

Don’t forget to document key parts of your trip. Bring a camera and take pictures of interesting sights, landmarks, and your friends or family members exploring a new city. You could use them for a scrapbook later. Also take notes to remember the names of your favorite area restaurants, where you found that perfect handmade scarf, or which museum had the exhibit on sea turtles that you want to visit again. And, always get a souvenir. Grab a t-shirt from that bar you really liked or stuffed animal with the name of the city you’re visiting on its belly. Something small won’t take up much space on a shelf at home, and you’ll remember you’re trip every time you look at it.

Things to avoid

Make the most of your trip and the time you’re away from home. Start by skipping the all-day snooze fest. Sleep too late, and you really cut down on the number of sights you’re able to take in. Plus, by the time you get going, many museums and attractions may be starting to close. It’s also a good idea to stay away from too many shopping malls or fast food chains that you can frequent at home. After all, most malls and McDonald’s are pretty much the same nationwide.

Good luck creating lasting memories on your trip! And don’t forget to call Affinity for a ride back to the airport. You can sit back, relive the highlights of your trip, and leave the driving to us.