Written by Jody Trammel

Packing light

Packing light

pack lightWhen traveling, it’s a good idea to pack light. And it’s even better to only take what you can fit in a carry on. This way, your luggage is manageable and easier to keep track of, you have less stuff to lug around, and you don’t have to worry about the airline loosing your checked baggage. But for many passengers, scaling back can be easier said than done. Fear not. With our pointers below, you can learn how to pack like a pro in no time!

If your travel plans involve flying from a D.C.-area airport, use Affinity Airport Sedan for all of your ground transportation needs. Our friendly, professional car service offers a worry-free way for you to get to the airport in plenty of time for your flight.

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Written by Jody Trammel


Visiting Kensington

KKesingtonensington is a small town in Montgomery County, Maryland with a long history. While the area has transformed from its agricultural roots, it’s quaint charm remains, making it a highly regarded area among tourists visiting the D.C. region.

If your travel plans have you visiting Kensington, just call Affinity Airport Sedan to get you there. Our friendly, reliable ground transportation service can pick you up from the airport and get you wherever you need to be.

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