Written by Jody Trammel


The boundaries of Brookside GardensCloverly in Montgomery County have not been well-defined so a lot of locals mistaken believe that the neighborhood is part of Silver Spring. It is situated in central Maryland and is approximately 13 miles from Washington, DC. The major commercial hub of this town lies at the inersection of New Hampshire Avenue (Route 650) and Briggs Chaney Road. If you visit Maryland, make sure to include Cloverly in your itinerary. And call Affinity Airport Sedan for a ride. Allow the most professional car service in Maryland to assist you.


Looking back at history, Cloverly is a tale of success for two farmers. One was Charles T. Hill who lived from 1853 to 1942. Charlie spent a great deal of his boyhood at the home of Asa Stabler as an adopted son. It was Charlie Hill’s frugality that allowed him to purchase a 149-acre farm along Norwood Road. It was named High Ridge Dairy and Charlie supplied and delivered milk as far away as Washington during that time.

Another popular entrepreneur of Cloverly was Joseph Harding who lived from 1822 until 1894. As a young man, he purchased 200 hectares on present-day Harding Lane. Joseph started by raising potatoes until he was hailed as Montgomery County’s Potato King. Later on, Joseph Harding founded the Free Methodist Church in Cloverly, which ultimately transferred to Spencerville. The enterprising Harding constructed the three-story Ash Grove house which mirrored his immense success as a farmer.


One of the attractions that are considered part of Cloverly is Brookside Gardens within Wheaton Regional Park. This garden hosts the Garden of Lights Exhibit during the holidays. The grounds previously belonged to the landscaping and garden facility owned by the Stadler Nurseries. Some of the exhibits there include the Aquatic, Perennial, Butterfly, Fragrance, Children’s Fairy Folk and Azalea Gardens.

The Cloverly Village Shopping Center, Church of Transfiguration, Cloverly Park, and Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses are some of the popular landmarks in Cloverly. If you wish to go to Cloverly, call Affinity Airport Sedan immediately.