Written by Jody Trammel


Wheaton Regional ParkWheaton town is named after Frank Wheaton, a United States Army general who came from Rhode Island and lived from 1833 to 1903. It is located at the crossroads of Georgia Avenue, University Boulevard and Veirs Mill Road in Montgomery County.

When you’re planning your next family weekend, think about visiting Wheaton. And, whether your travel brings you to Wheaton or any other place in the DC area,

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Written by Jody Trammel

Martin’s Additions

The Village of Martin’s Additions was incorporated as a municipality on March 19, 1985. The Additions refer to parcels of land purchased by Harry M. Martin in 1896 from the Chevy Chase Land Company and other sources. Martin’s properties were known as the First up to the Fourth Additions to the Village of Chevy Chase. These were incorporated as one special tax district in 1916.

Call Affinity Airport Sedan if you are going on a tour of Martin’s Additions. Our gracious transportation service will pick you up from the airport and give you a ride to your chosen destination.

About Martin’s Additions

Harry Martin bought huge lots of 35 to 50 acres from the Chevy Chase Land Company, Wilson Offutt, Henry N. Griffith, and other landowners. He referred to these land assets as “Martin’s Additions to Chevy Chase.”  These included the current site of La Ferme Restaurant and the “No Gain” lot at the turn of Thornapple Street and Brookville Road. Both are located at the western border of Martin’s Additions.

Maryland ratified Senate Bill 207, which established the Special Tax District and approved the election of a Citizens’ Committee with considerable powers, including the control of farm animals’ behavior.

Issues related to property development and other serious concerns motivated local residents to clamor for incorporation in the early 1980s.  A steering committee with three members was chosen to draft a charter and help the council comply with requirements to become a municipality.

Places to Visit Near Martin’s Additions

You can find Martin’s Additions near the heart of Maryland, so it will be easier to visit famous attractions such as the nature centers operated by the Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission. These facilities are all in communities near Martin’s Additions and surrounding Washington D.C. The facilities offer opportunities for parents to satisfy their own and their children’s curiosity about nature. You’ll find the facilities at regional parks in the towns of Bethesda, Boyd, Rockville, and Wheaton.

Black Hill Regional Park and Visitor Center is also a good place to visit. There are nature exhibits and video presentations that promote the community’s natural environment. Visitors and local residents can also indulge in activities such as hiking, biking, and fitness exercises. Families can go on weekend picnics, while kids have the chance to enjoy the open playgrounds.

Come and see Martin’s Additions and other cities in Maryland. You can always rely on Affinity for your transportation needs.

Written by Jody Trammel


kensington-MD-20895Kensington is one of the towns of Montgomery County in Maryland. Locals frequently call it the Mormon temple. The town’s post office also serves a bigger area extending further to North Bethesda and Wheaton District.

When you’re planning your next family weekend, think about visiting Kensington. And whether your travel brings you to Kensington or any other place in the D.C. area, remember Affinity Airport Sedan. We will pick you up on time

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Written by Jody Trammel

Kemp Mill

Sligo CreekKemp Mill is a small community in Montgomery County. It is part of Silver Spring which is also in Maryland. Tourists will enjoy the shops and restaurants in the commercial area. And when you’re planning your next family weekend you should think about visiting Kemp Mill.

Whether your travel brings you to Kemp Mill or any other place in the DC area, remember Affinity Airport Sedan. We will pick you up on time and get you where you need to be.

Brief History

A map of Maryland that dates back to the late 18th century shows a mill owned by a Quaker minister and political activist named Evan Thomas. Francis Valdenar bought the frame saw and grist mill in 1833. Then in 1857, Valdenar sold this mill to George Kemp who renamed it Kemp Mill. The family operated the mill until 1905 and unfortunately in 1919, the mill burned down. The Maryland National Park and Planning Commission acquired the site in 1957.

Kemp Mill Today

There are numerous Jewish synagogues as well as Jewish and Catholic parochial schools in this community. Kemp Mill Recreation Center was constructed and now houses basketball and tennis courts, a baseball field and playground. A spacious meeting place was also constructed for residents. Sligo Creek emerges from Kemp Mill and has become the most developed sub-watershed of the Anacostia River. The Sligo Creek Trail for hikers and bikers connects Kemp Mill to downtown Wheaton and links up with the tributary trail system in Anacostia. We highly recommend this riding adventure.

Kemp Mill Shopping Center is the neighborhood’s trade nucleus. This quaint neighborhood mall is complete with two restaurants; two banks; grocery outlet, dry cleaner, barber shop, pharmacy, nail and hair salon, mini gymnasium, and martial arts training facility. Assorted pastry shops and doctors’ clinics also occupy the complex. However, the famous anchor store for decades, Giant Food Grocery, closed down on September of 2007. A small local chain (Magruder’s) refurbished the facility and opened two months later. It did not last long and ceased operations in July of 2012. Businessman Shalom Kosher, who owns a Kosher store in Wheaton, acquired Magruder’s and opened a second retail shop on Lamberton Drive the same year.

Check out all there is to see and do in Kemp Mill. And for a worry-free ride there, just call Affinity Airport Sedan!

Written by Jody Trammel


Glenmont MDYou can find Wheaton-Glenmont in Montgomery County, Maryland. Until the 20th century, it was a quiet village with only a few houses and small farms along Georgia Avenue straight north of Washington, DC. It was only developed after the Second World War with the construction of suburban residential subdivisions. If your travel plans bring you to the DC area, remember Affinity Airport Sedan. Our friendly, personal shuttle service can get you to and from the airport trouble-free.

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Written by Jody Trammel


The boundaries of Brookside GardensCloverly in Montgomery County have not been well-defined so a lot of locals mistaken believe that the neighborhood is part of Silver Spring. It is situated in central Maryland and is approximately 13 miles from Washington, DC. The major commercial hub of this town lies at the inersection of New Hampshire Avenue (Route 650) and Briggs Chaney Road. If you visit Maryland, make sure to include Cloverly in your itinerary. And call Affinity Airport Sedan for a ride. Allow the most professional car service in Maryland to assist you.

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Written by Jody Trammel

Silver Spring

AcornParkSilver Spring is a popular urban hub in Montgomery County, Maryland north of Washington DC. The city center has gone through a major facelift with the opening of more retail shops, fine-dining restaurants and entertainment facilities. Visitors can indulge in outdoor dining and watch outdoor concerts during the summer season. A relaxing way to go around Silver Spring to and from the airport is by availing of the services of Affinity Airport Sedan. Located in Bethesda Maryland, we provide shuttle services in the DC Metro area covering the three major airports. We will be very happy to give you a lift.

Wonderful Attractions

While at Silver Spring, do not fail to visit Acorn Park which is described as the remaining memory of Francis Preston Blair’s “Silver Spring” historic estate.  According to history books, the spring with shiny mica minerals was discovered in 1840. Nearby is a peculiar small park with good-looking frescos and acorn pergola. Meanwhile, Rock Creek Park is one of the most amazing urban recreational areas in DC.  It is the habitat of raccoons, coyotes, deer, and owls along with various tree species. Amusement amenities consist of trails for cycling, hiking and horseback riding; playground for kids and picnic area; tennis stadium; golf course, outdoor venue for concerts; and, planetarium. The 14-acre Jessup Blair Park has two public tennis courts, basketball courts, soccer field, and picnic grounds. It is also a favorite of local residents and visitors. Sligo Creek Trail is a 10-mile path which is also one of the oldest in Montgomery County. It starts at the boundary of Prince George, goes through Montgomery and ends at Wheaton Regional Park. Sligo Creek Park is made up of nine smaller parks with sports facilities and common recreational building.

Silver Spring Today

Silver Spring’s redevelopment, which began at the dawn of the 21st century, was exceptional. Areas adjacent to the City Place Mall were rebuilt completely to make way for the new shopping plaza. It was named “Downtown Silver Spring.” Modern retail shops and restaurants opened in this location. The revival of the city and its 160th year anniversary was marked with the production of a documentary, “Silver Spring: Story of an American Suburb” which came out in 2002. From that period, development continued with the construction of office buildings, condo units, and commercial establishments. The New York Times published an article in 2007 about Silver Spring and highlighted that the urban center experienced a rebirth and emerged as an arts and entertainment seat because of massive investments. Visit Silver Spring and you will definitely enjoy your stay in this city. Call Affinity Airport Sedan to give you a lift.

Written by Jody Trammel

Wheaton Maryland

Visiting Wheaton, Maryland

Wheaton, MDJust minutes north of Washington, D.C., you’ll find the thriving community of Wheaton, Maryland. This unincorporated area is perfect for visitors wanting a break from the bustle of the District while still being able to enjoy world-class dining, shopping, and outdoor events.

If you’re visiting the Wheaton area, be sure to call Affinity Airport Sedan

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