Written by Jody Trammel

Glen Echo

Glen EchoMaryland’s Glen Echo Park is a primary arts and cultural center managed by the Glen Echo Park Partnership for Arts and Culture and the County’s National Park Service. It was developed initially in 1891 as the National Chautauqua Assembly but functioned as an amusement park until 1968. The park is now one of the most animated community arts centers in the DC area where there are numerous classes and workshops for the visual and performing arts.

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Written by Jody Trammel

Forest Glen

Walter Reed Army Institute of ResearchForest Glen is one of the numerous communities in one of Maryland’s suburbs in DC. It was named after the forested and narrow valley that extends from a small brook in Carroll Springs to Rock Creek. This area is approximately 400 feet higher than the average altitude of the region which accommodates better drainage and stays cooler  than many parts of Washington.

Forest Glen is a historic district and remains a popular destination

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