Written by Jody Trammel

Clara Barton National Historic Site

Tour the Clara Barton National Historic Site

Clara Barton HouseWhile most people are familiar with the humanitarian efforts of American Red Cross, few know much about its origins.  If you’re visiting the Maryland area, take some time to check out the former home of Clara Barton, founder of this renowned organization.

Interested in exploring the Clara Barton National Historic Site? Call Affinity Airport Sedan for a ride there! Our professional car service can get you to this celebrated home where Barton launched her efforts to bring aid to millions of people across the country and around the globe.

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Written by Jody Trammel

Tourists with Limited Time

Travel Tips for Tourists with Limited Time

travel tipsNo matter how much time there is to visit a new city, it’s hard to see everything in just one trip. But with our travel tips below, you can make the most of the time you have while you’re there.

Visiting D.C. for a quick trip? Call Affinity Airport Sedan for all of your ground transportation needs. We can get you to and from the airport, meetings, or museum visits. Don’t waste you time fighting and navigating traffic. With Affinity, you can relax and leave the driving to us.  

Plan in Advance

Take a little time to plan ahead. Try to cluster the attractions you want to see by their proximity to one another.

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Written by Jody Trammel

Packing for your trip

Delaire_Constance_150410Packing for a trip out of town can be intimidating for many travelers. But getting ready for your next getaway doesn’t have to be a stressful event. With just a little preparation, you can pack like a pro! And before you pack, it’s a good idea to get all of your transportation needs squared away. If you’re flying into the Washington, D.C area, chances are you’ll need a ride from the airport. That’s where we come in. Affinity Airport Sedan offers personal, professional ground transportation service from all three airports in the D.C. area. So when you prepare for your trip, don’t forget to call Affinity!   What to bring When packing, travelers always

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Written by Jody Trammel

Do Your Homework

In airplaneIf you’re planning a trip, the best thing you can do is research. The beauty of the Internet age is that there’s a wealth of information right before your fingertips. Whether you’re looking for hotels, restaurants, or things to do, you can learn from other travelers’ experiences online.

If your vacation plans bring you to the D.C. area, contact Affinity Airport Sedan, Inc. We’ll promptly pick you up from the airport and give you a ride to your destination. You have enough trip planning to worry about. Leave the driving to us.

Study reviews from travelers

To get the most out of your trip, study other travelers’ reviews. Web sites like TripAdvisor, Oyster.com, TravelPost, and Yelp offer thousands, if not millions, of customer reviews. A disturbing trend may become apparent when several reviews in a row complain of unsanitary hotel conditions. Similarly, several rave reviews for a new restaurant could mean it’s worth checking out.

While it’s handy to have so many reviews on hand, it’s important to remain objective. Reviewers all have different tastes and expectations. It’s important to determine if a reviewer is coming from your same frame of mind. Plus, any establishment can have a major slip-up now and then. Perhaps a negative review was based on a one-time fluke instead of a sub-par operation. Also be sure to check out the dates of the reviewer’s posts. An establishment may have closed, moved, or be under new management since the review was written.

Read travel forums

Many travelers have come to rely on travel forums to guide their travel experiences. Forums like those run by Lonely Planet, Chowhound, and Frommers all share valuable destination advice. Plus, reading threads about your destination city is a great way to uncover information wouldn’t have otherwise considered.

If your travel research brings you to the Maryland or D.C. areas, call Affinity Airport Sedan, Inc.  Our exclusive, professional shuttle service can pick you up from the airport and get you to your destination. All you have to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.